DPHHS SPonsored PHTLS Training Events
Prehospital Trauma Life Support (PHTLS) is recognized around the world as the leading continuing education program for prehospital emergency trauma care.
This 16-hour trauma care course is provided to Montana Emergency Care Providers by the Department of Public Health and Human Services in partnership with SIM-MT. PHTLS is an instructor lead course that provides both lecture and hands on scenario-based training with programed patients and high fidelity manikin simulation. Funding for this program is provided by Montana Department of Transportation – Highway Traffic Safety Program.
For more information regarding PHTLS visit NAEMT.
Register here for a PHTLS Course.
To host a course at your agency, contact SIM-MT.
Courses are spread equally across the three trauma regions annually, with two courses in each region. This program targets rural EMS providers whenever possible.
An agency may host a PHTLS course every three years. Priority is given to host sites who have not previously hosted a PHTLS course.